Da jeg mener dette er meget smukt og alt der kan hjælpe moder jord er vigtig, indsætter jeg her kopi af brev fra min personlige mail:
FEB. 14, 2007
"The Sound Heard Around the World"
Sounding an "AH" for planetary peace!
WHAT: World Sound Healing Day—The Sound Heard Around the World. For five minutes, sound healers, meditators, peace activists and lovers of all humanity and sentient consciousness will send a Sonic Valentine to the Earth with the heartsound “AH” filled with the intention of Peace and Love! (visit: www.healingsounds.com to for more information on this event and to download an “AH” sound you can tone along with)
WHEN: February 14, 2007, join Jonathan Goldman, the Sound Healers Association and thousands of people throughout the planet as they tone an "AH" together for five minutes during that day, projecting the energy of Light & Love throughout the Planet. We have found that creating a Global Sacred Sound any time within a 24 hour period on the planet will create a coherent waveform that will affect the entire Earth. Therefore, any time you feel guided to sound for Planetary Peace on February 14th is a good time! You will actually experience generating a field of transformational energy as this occurs. In addition, local toning groups will be occurring throughout the Earth at various times during that day with the intention of assisting planetary consciousness through sound. There will also be several global toning events occurring via the Internet during that day, including at noon Eastern Time on www.healthylife.net and at 9 PM ET on www.allonenow.org.
WHY: To project peace throughout the planet. What better way to celebrate this joyous day of Valentine’s Day then to project Peace to Mother Earth and generate peaceful energy throughout the planet with sound! Sound coupled with intention has the ability to heal and transform. We will sound an “AH” sending a “Wave” of Sound that will resonate throughout the planet. Now is the time for you to be part of the Celestial Choir and resonate together for World Sound Healing Day. We can create major positive shifts on our beloved planet. Through sounding together we will make a difference.
HOW: Sound the heart sound “AH” for 5 minutes We will simply sound an “AH” filled with the intention of Peace and Love for 5 minutes at a time that is convenient for you. The “AH” is a universal, non-denominational heart sound that when projected with focused energy is extremely powerful and effective. For more information which you may find useful, please visit this link: www.healingsounds.com. There you will find a "Planetary Healing Sounds" section with articles on suggested sounds, visualizations and toning techniques as well as an “AH” sound you can download and tone along with.
AND: Pass this message on. If it’s appropriate, forward this announcement about this event to your mailing list. Tell your friends and loved ones to join our Celestial Choir and help bring peace to the planet. There will be sound healing events throughout the world. Previous World Sound Healing Days were extraordinarily successful. We truly made a difference to the planet with our Sound, our Light and Our Love.
Last year's World Sound Healing Day was a tremendous success, creating powerful positive vibrational shifts for the planet. Please join us again in the co-creation of this event, projecting Light and Love through Sound and help make a difference!
Kærlig hilsen
"There´s a crack in everything, thats where the light comes in" Leonard Cohen
Det er også mulig at går ind på denne hjemmeside og afspille "AH" lyden.
Det er hvor der står Ah mp3 og man kan jo afspille lyden lige så mange gange man har lyst til eller brug for.
tak for det, Anemone, jeg vil forsøge at huske det. Måske skal jeg sætte kryds i min kalender.
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Marita 18. maj 2024 11:19 Peter, du er ikke alene. Men der er ikke meget at gøre ved det. Angående lukker og slukker: jeg er her endnu.
Peter 25. april 2024 18:53 Ok, sidste mand m/k lukker og slukker. Undskyld jeg forstyrrede.
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